so, you want to go to africa?

Two people in the jungle with gorillas in the background

Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

The only man I envy is the man who has not yet been to Africa- for he has so much to look forward to~ Richard Mullins

Going on an African safari is an entirely unique, often once in a lifetime experience. As it’s unlike any other holiday, I find my clients tend to have a lot of questions. Having just returned from Rwanda and Kenya, I’ve taken the time to put together a Q&A with some of the most frequently asked questions. I hope this inspires you to work with The Travel Elixir to plan your very own safari.

What is an African safari like?

Every day on an African safari is an adventure. Each moment presents a new experience that’s unique for that single moment in time. No two animals are the same, and animal behaviour is always changing. As for the scenery, you’ll experience everything from sweeping savannahs to lush marshlands, dense forests, and arid desert plains.

  • Most African safaris are multi-day experiences. At The Travel Elixir, we specialise in planning bespoke safari experiences that take you away from the massive public parks, and onto private concessions. These concessions elevate your safari experience by giving you access to the best guides, getting you closer to the wildlife and will see you enjoy the most incredible food and wine, often in surprise private dining locations. Seven to ten days on safari is most common, and typically this includes two to three locations.

  • You’ll stay at a lodge or camp in the bush. This means you’ll be in a remote location in the African wilderness accessible either by vehicle or air. How luxurious your room is, depends on your budget and operator.

  • Every day you’ll go on game drives to see the animals. Most African safaris take you into the bush on twice-a-day game drives (3-4 hours in the morning and 3-4 hours in the afternoon). These game drives can happen in open-air or enclosed vehicles (this depends on where you go on safari and your operator).

  • It’s an adventure, not a zoo. The animals are not waiting for you. You have to go out and, with the help of your professional guide and/or tracker, find the animals.

  • An African safari is all-inclusive. While African safaris are an investment it is worth keeping in mind that the price includes all meals, game drives, guides and accommodation. Often, all drinks (including alcohol) are encompassed in the price as well.

What’s a day on safari like?

Every day on safari is different—you’ll never experience the same wildlife or scenery—but there is a schedule you can rely on.

Sample African safari schedule:

  • 5:30AM: Wake up around sunrise for coffee, tea and a light snack. Sometimes this is delivered to your room.

  • 6:00AM: Start your morning game drive. Your guide will look for fresh animal tracks from the night before. Early starts are essential on safari as animals are most active at first light and during the cool morning hours.

  • 9:00AM: Take a short break in the bush for coffee, tea, juice and snacks. If you see incredible animals, morning tea will be pushed back or enjoyed earlier. It’s up to the animals and the guests. You’ll return back to your lodge for a hearty breakfast around 10am, where you’ll no doubt talk through all your incredible animal sightings with your travel companions.

  • 12:00PM: After spending a few hours enjoying your lodge or perhaps visiting the local community, you will enjoy an incredible a la carte lunch, including alcohol (if desired). These lunches may be taken within the lodge or out on location.

  • 4:00PM: You’ll depart for your afternoon game drive and head into the bush to see what sightings await you.

  • 6:00PM: As the sun sets you will stop for a snack and alcoholic drinks commonly known as “sundowners”. This is your chance to enjoy Africa’s spectacular sunsets, before any last-minute animal sightings on the way back to the lodge.

  • 7:00PM: Arrive back at camp as it grows dark. Time to shower and freshen up before dinner.

  • 7:30PM: Enjoy a delicious chef-prepared meal that pays homage to both local and international cuisine. Most dietary restrictions can be catered for.

  • 9:00PM: Enjoy time around the fire, watch a local African dance performance, reminisce about your day, spend some time gazing at the star-speckled beauty of the night sky, and then head to bed early for another full day tomorrow!

Where should I go on an African safari?

Africa is not a country; it’s a continent! And it’s massive. There are so many great countries and locations for safari—Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe (just to name a few)—and they all offer unique experiences.

  • South Africa is home to the most well-known safari destination in the world: Kruger National Park.

  • Kenya and Tanzania are where enthusiasts go to marvel at the annual Great Migration as thousands of Wildebeest make their way across the plains of the Serengeti and attempt the treacherous Mara River crossing.

  • Namibia is known for pristine deserts, sand dunes, and unique wildlife.

  • Rwanda and Uganda are best known for gorilla trekking.

  • Zimbabwe offers safaris and the chance to feel the power of Victoria Falls.

  • Botswana this safari location is best known for the Okavango Delta. The experience is all about untouched wilderness, luxury camps and lodges, incredible wildlife, and fewer crowds.

In the end, where you choose to go on safari is up to you. Partnering with The Travel Elixir will help narrow down your options and choose something that suits your budget as well as delivering a memorable experience.

How do I choose the right safari experience?

First, you need to decide your budget. Africa is not a place that we recommend a “bargain safari” mindset. This can get you into trouble and make you feel like you wasted your holiday.

Instead, decide what you need to make your African safari worth it, and then choose the safari lodge or camp that fits your needs. To help you make your decision, answer these key questions:

  • What luxury amenities do I need? Is Wi-Fi a must? Do I need flushing toilets, daily laundry, premium alcohol etc.?

  • What type of safari vehicle do I want? You’ll spend most of your time in the safari vehicle, make sure your operator offers a vehicle with the features you want, such as technology charging stations, drink refrigeration, open-air, etc.

  • How well-trained are the staff? You’ll interact with your safari team regularly, especially the guide and camp manager, so working with an experienced advisor is key to choosing the best option for you.

  • How important is food? Not all safari operators have a chef or create inspired meals that you’ll love.

  • Is sustainability and community engagement important to you? These days a trip to Africa encompasses much more than just game drives. Many lodges offer opportunities to see community projects in action or visit local schools and meet the children your safari dollars often support. These interactions are often the most memorable moments of your trip. There may even be the chance to see conservation projects in action, such as tracking and tagging Rhinos.

What are safari guides, and why do they matter?

A safari guide is your host in the African bush. They have spent years studying everything there is to know about the wildlife, plants, safety, and scenery. They are experts in their field and can make or break your safari experience. They’ll track the animals, answer your questions, explain what you’re seeing and experiencing, and ensure everything goes off without a hitch.

A great African safari guide will:

  • Ensure your safety during every step of your journey.

  • Consider the wildlife for a sustainable and eco-friendly safari experience.

  • Take you on a walking safari to see the wildlife up close and personal.

  • Track wildlife using footprints, excrement, sounds, and more.

  • Wow you with their knowledge of the bush. You can test them against any guidebook.

  • Provide you with incredible hospitality.

  • Share their experience as a local in the area.

  • Take you off the beaten track for the chance to witness the extraordinary.

  • Keep even kids entertained and safe in the bush.

How much does a safari cost?

In general, a safari is an investment. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience for most people, and it is priced according to the many inclusions. The cost of your safari can also vary greatly, depending on the location, when you go on safari (low season, shoulder season, or high season), how luxurious it is, and how long you go on safari. As a guide:

  • A mid-range African safari costs around USD$600 – USD$800 a night per person.

  • A high-end African safari costs around USD$1,000 – USD$1,300 a night per person.

  • An ultra-luxury African safari can cost more than USD$2,000 a night per person.

These prices typically do not include the cost of your international flights or the bush flight costs between camps, which are another USD$200 – USD$400 per person per flight. The Travel Elixir has travelled Africa extensively and experienced a wide range of safari camps, which gives you access to expert advice.

How do I budget for an African safari?

If you are willing to spend more than USD$10,000 per person, you can enjoy almost any type of African safari experience, except for the most luxurious accommodations. However, if you have a budget of around USD$5,000 per person, you’re going to have to make some decisions on what you MUST have and what you are willing to give up.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • If possible, spend at least six nights on safari. Three nights is not really enough time to soak in the African safari experience. So, if you have to stay somewhere more affordable for more time or travel in low or shoulder season, do it. All that said, if your time is limited three nights on a private concession in the Sabi Sands Game Reserve (Kruger N.P) can generally give you sightings of the Big 5 and more within a few drives.

  • Location can be key to cost, but it can also be key to an enjoyable experience. More affordable locations are also far more crowded. You might be in a line of cars to see an animal, and it may feel more like a zoo. The more private and remote your wildlife experience, the greater the investment.

  • Time of the year can greatly impact your budget. There are typically three seasons in Africa.

    • Low season is December – March and is the most affordable.

    • Shoulder season is April, May, June, and November, and costs are mid-range.

    • High season is July – October and is often the most expensive.

Save money with a mobile safari. A safari lodge is like a luxury safari hotel that remains in a permanent location. You fly/drive to the lodge, stay for a few nights, and then fly/drive to your next location. Lodges are more expensive and have added transfer costs (which can be upwards of USD$300 – USD$400+ per person for a bush flight. More for charter flights). On the other hand, a mobile safari is a luxurious camp that moves with you between locations. It’s often more affordable because there are less overheads for the operator, and you don’t have to pay for additional transfers.

What’s the best month to go on safari?

The best month to go on safari depends on what you want to see, experience, and do. Every month offers something different for visitors. Generally, most safari destinations can be visited year-round. However, the weather does change each season, particularly when it comes to rainfall and thus game-viewing.

So, here’s a general overview of what to expect.

  • January & February: As these are the two wettest months of the year; you have a good chance of getting rained on. However, the vegetation is green, flowers are in bloom, and water is abundant. These months are incredible for bird watching, many migrations are in full swing, and many antelope give birth so predators can be abundant.

  • March: This is the greenest month of the year, water is high, but rain is less likely. Some areas may be inaccessible due to too much water, but this also means animals can be found concentrated on dry land. This is also birthing season for many animals.

  • April & May: These two amazing months offer warm days, cold nights, and little rain. It’s great weather with beautiful green scenery, fewer tourists, and more affordable pricing.

  • June & July: These two months offer flawless blue winter skies, warm days, and cooler nights. Game viewing is exceptional because the foliage is sparse. Don’t expect a lot of greenery (vegetation is beginning to yellow and die), and book your trip in advance as these months are popular.

  • August, September, & October: These are the three most popular months to go on safari. Days are hot and dry, and nights are sultry. There’s lots of sunshine and amazing game viewing. In fact, these are some of the best months to have spectacular animal sightings. However, this is high season, so prices are at a premium, and availability is limited.

  • November & December: These two months welcome the first rains of the wet season. The weather is hot and humid, and you can encounter mud and periods of heavy rain. However, this is an excellent time for newborn calves and migrant birds.

Is an African safari safe?

When you go on an African safari, you are dealing with wild animals and remote regions. This is not a zoo. Everything is untamed and unexpected. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t safe.

From the moment you begin your safari, you’ll be given rules and guidelines that you’ll need to follow at all times. It’s about respecting your safari guide, respecting the animals, and being smart.

To stay safe while on safari:

  • Listen to the advice of your safari guide at all times. They understand animal behavior and will know how and when to approach animals and what to do in every situation. Trust your guide to take care of you.

  • Do not leave your room at night without supervision. After dark, you will always have an escort around your camp or lodge to keep you safe.

  • Do use the provided safety gear (including an air horn) if you need to call for help at night when you are inside your room. This device is there for emergency purposes only.

  • Do not wander around alone just because you do not see any animals nearby. Your safari guide or camp staff need to check nearby areas for your safety.

So, is an African safari safe? Yes, it is. Your safari operator will always put your safety first, so as long as you listen to their guidance, you should have nothing to worry about.

How long should I go on safari? How many days do I need?

Three days is not enough time to really enjoy an African safari. It’s barely enough for a taste. Instead, we recommend planning at least seven days on safari. This will allow you to visit at least two different locations, which is important, and truly immerse yourself in Mother Nature.

The truth is that the more time you spend on safari, the more time you’ll have to see something truly amazing. Remember, National Geographic documentaries are filmed over months, if not years. They spend weeks upon weeks at a time with nature to capture their amazing pictures and movies. You cannot expect to spend just a few days on safari and see it all.

Is an African safari worth it?

Yes. It’s entirely worth it. An African safari will be an experience that you’ll never forget. However, to make sure that you don’t spend above your means and that you get the most for your money, we recommend carefully planning your trip to get the exclusivity, scenery, animals, and experience you want.

What that means is choosing the right location, the right operator, the right guides, and the best time of the year to go on safari. And, most importantly, focus on the game drives! You can pay top dollar for a premium resort and have a lack-luster experience if they don’t focus on amazing game drives.

Are safaris bad for the animals or the environment?

Safaris are CRITICAL for taking care of the environment, promoting sustainability, and animal protection. Safaris bring in money to the communities where they operate and encourage conservation and taking care of the environment. Also, many safaris go above and beyond to donate to conservation within their countries.

Without African safaris, there would be more poaching and fewer reasons for the government to spend money on conservation. The Travel Elixir supports safari operators that care about their impact on the environment.

Many lodges focus on being eco-friendly by using solar power, providing guests with personalized metal water bottles and filtered water to reduce plastic, and reducing waste. Africa has long recognized the impact of climate change on their environment and their initiatives often go way beyond what the Western World regards as sustainability.

How do I plan an African safari?

Planning an African safari is NOT as difficult as you think. It can be intimidating at first, but it doesn’t have to be. Reach out to The Travel Elixir at any time with your questions, and we’ll be glad to assist. We love working with clients to plan their dream African holiday.

However, before you call, it helps if you can answer a few key questions.

  • What countries are you interested in?

  • What is your budget and how much wiggle room is there to fit your dream?

  • Do you want to do anything else while on the African continent beyond going on safari?

  • When do you want to go on safari? Most people plan their safari at least six months in advance because spots fill up fast!

  • What type of camp or lodge experience do you want? There are safaris under canvas or ultra-luxury lodges ideal for that perfect Instagram photo.

What should I wear on safari?

Choose safari clothing that is comfortable and practical. You will be spending long days in an open-air vehicle with lots of dust, heat, sun, and potentially rain. Worry less about being fashionable, and more about wearing clothes that make sense. There are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Wear clothing in neutral colors: beige, brown, and green. Do not wear camouflage and try to avoid very bright colors and patterns, and you’ll be okay.

  • Wear layers that you can take on and off as the weather changes. It is typically cold in the morning, hot in the afternoon, and cold again at night. Bring jackets or wear layers that you can take on or off as you need.

  • Take advantage of daily laundry. Most lodges offer daily laundry service, so you don’t need to pack a lot of clothes. Three to four outfits are more than enough, even for a ten-day trip.

  • Plan for sunny days. Bring sunglasses, sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat for protection from the sun.

  • Wear comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots. You will need to walk through nature, and there are bugs, dust, thorns, and bushes. Hiking boots or solid walking shoes will protect your feet.

    Can kids go on safari?

    Yes, kids can go on safari. In fact, they can have an amazing time and learn so much. Family safaris are a great idea. However, age and maturity are factors.

    Most safaris only accept kids who are at least seven years old for their safety. They need to be able to follow directions, sit in a car for long hours, possibly sleep in a tent at night, and remain calm and quiet when required.

    To ensure you have the best African safari experience with your kids, The Travel Elixir will choose operators set up for families. This can include:

  • Specific family friendly accommodation.

  • Choosing a lodge that caters to a child’s palate with dishes such as meatballs, fish and chips, chicken nuggets, pizza, and pasta.

  • Most lodges offer families exclusive use of a safari vehicle so you can go as slow or as fast as your kids want.

  • A range of themed activities, especially for kids. This may include tracking and survival skills, wildlife art drawing, African passports for recording animal sightings and more!

What animals will I see on safari?

There are so many animals you can see on safari. You could see all of Africa’s Big Five: lions, elephants, leopards, buffalo, and rhinoceros. You could also see 23 different types of antelope, including impala, red lechwe, kudu, wildebeest, waterbuck, sable, and more. Other animals you might see include:

  • Cheetah

  • Wild Dogs

  • Giraffe

  • Warthogs

  • Hyena

  • Hippopotamus

  • Zebra

  • Crocodiles

  • Baboons

  • Jackal

Keep an eye out for future posts that cover the gorilla trekking experience and the differences between Uganda and Rwanda, as well as advice on how much to tip in Africa and some background on the culture of tipping, which can often be a daunting experience for Australian travellers.

Is there something we haven’t covered? Still have questions? Send us a message. Ready to plan your African Safari? Jump over to the contact page and send through an enquiry.


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